Texas Molecular Advantage
At Texas Molecular, we take pride in being among our industry’s most resourceful and responsive providers of wastewater treatment and disposal services, featuring:


Customer service for assistance
with approvals and scheduling


24/7 scheduling and acceptance
of most streams


Significant Available Storage
and injection capacity

Select each specific topic to learn more about the Texas Molecular advantage!
Texas Molecular manages waters with pH 0 to 14, with no need for neutralization
Texas Molecular manages difficult-to-treat waters, and/or expensive-to-dispose waste such as:
  • Reactive waters including reactive sulfides and cyanides (D003)
  • Waters, acids, or bases with flashpoint <140°F (D001)
  • Waters with high BOD, COD, TKN, and TDS
  • Waters, acids, or bases with difficult-to-treat metals such as
    selenium, mercury, and arsenic
  • Waters, acids, or bases with pesticides, organics, and listed waste
    codes (F, K, U, and P)
  • Waters subject to a number of air-related permits such as Subparts
    CC (VOCs), B (Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing), XX (Ethylene
    Operations), GGG (Pharmaceuticals), and FF (Benzene Operations)

Texas Molecular acts as a “utility” for major clients with large or regular wastewaters
Texas Molecular promotes cost-savings by:
  • Reducing on-site treatment capital expense, materials, and labor
  • Reducing or eliminating regulatory risk of discharge and temporary storage
  • Utilizing injection technology that does not require treatment
    chemicals, or use thermal processes
Texas Molecular offers significant available capacity for the future, as well as large projects

Texas Molecular features:
  • A large receiving and storage capacity, able to accommodate receipt of most waste on a 24/7 basis
  • Significant available permit and practical injection capacity
  • Customer service available on a 24/7 basis for emergencies
Texas Molecular operates:
  • Three injection wells at our Deer Park, TX facility
  • One Injection well at our Corpus Christi, TX facility
  • Spare injection tubing is inventoried at each location
  • A backup generator to run critical equipment
  • A backup flare for thermal oxidizer