Texas Molecular’s underground injection program, as well as its associated technology, have been designed and developed to provide a safe and cost-effective means of disposing of even the most challenging and hazardous waste materials.

The primary purposes and objectives of this innovation are the protection of the water supply in general, and in particular, valuable underground sources of drinking water; and the preservation of our environment and economy.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), EPA 816-F-04-040 June 2004 , US EPA’s Program to Regulate the Placement of Wastewater and Other Fluids Underground:
“Our way of life would be quite different without injection wells. Agribusiness and the chemical and petroleum industries as we know them today, could not exist.”
“Reduces human exposure to organic and inorganic chemicals and heavy metals by removing them from the environment”
“Eliminates more than 9 billion gallons of hazardous waste and a trillion gallons of oil field waste from the environment each year”
“Avoids cost of ground water remediation, medical monitoring for health effects, and replacing a drinking water supply”
EPA on Benefits of Hazardous Waste Injection.
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EPA on Underground Injection, June 28, 2011
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EPA Risk Study on Hazardous Waste Injection.
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Injection Well Diagram
See Diagram